Tuesday, 16 August 2016

My Olympic athlete Shirt

Walt: synthesise information from multiple sources

Task Description: This is my athletes t-shirt it's not that much but yeah I tried my best. Down here is the doc where I had to choose my logos for my athlete. The money that I got altogether was $14,000. I picked adidas and Canterbury because it's one of my my favourites so I didn't really go for the money.    


  1. Hey Daisy!

    It's me Amelia, I loved your post about your Olympic athlete shirt it was o for awesome. What a great choice about your sponsorship as an agent for a athlete. I loved the logo's on your shirt Adidas as your main sponsor and Canterbury as your sub what a great choice! I like how you've went for the fit instead of the money that's what I also did. Were you dying to choose other logo's like Puma? Were you happy for the money you got for your fit? Thank you for showing your amazing blog post Daisy. Keep up the positive work you are a blog star Daisy:>
    From Amelia!

  2. Hi Daisy I love your athlete shirt it has so much detail and a lot of swag.I even liked how you showed the back and front of the t-shrit.Keep up the great work.
