Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Wanted poster (princess)

Walt: understand perceptions. 

Task description: We had to do the perceptions of what the dragons and the knight were thing. Like for an example the knight thought that the dragons kidnapped the princess but in the story the princess actually wanted to go away with the dragon. So it was the dragons first time ever hunting for a princess so he was like kind so he didn't know what to do then he just took her.

Wanted poster for Egbert the dragon

Walt: understand perceptions  

Task Description: I had to make my own dinosaur, well not really I just had had to read a journal and copy that dinosaur. Then I haed to write his age and things that you need on a wanted poster.

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Setting Description

TASK DESCRIPTION: We had to describe each setting what they look like. When we finished we had to edit it so we knew it was perfect well it really didn't have to be perfect but we just wanted it to be good for our level for reading and writing.

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Comic writing

Walt: use onomatopoeia in our writing.
With a KA-BOOM!! Black Canary threw one of her sword things and made the Brick fall to the wall. Then Green Arrow came in a flash and shot the Brick with ice. Black canary said, “ You're late” Then Green Arrow said,” Sorry just trying out my arrows.Green Arrow show a Arrow and said, “ For my first one helium” And Brick went floating in the air. CRASH!!! went  another one and he said, “mightiest” Then he went as still as a statue but he was gold. Then He shot three more which was ooze, magnet, bug size. After he finished doing all those Brick just turned into a giant, but Green Arrow  had an idea because he saw an wrecking ball and shot an ordinary arrow and shot is to the string which made it hit Brick and KLANK!!!! went Brick then he vanished in the thick fresh air.

Green Arrow movie I watched

2nd Comic writing template

Walt: use onomatopoeia in our writing.
 Task Description: I had to do the first slide then do the second and all the way to the last slide. On those 4 slides I had to do speech bubbles,thought bubbles and onomatopoeia. After that,I had to watch a video about Green Arrow and Black canary. Then I had to retell the video in my presentation.

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Character description

WALT: Describe your character for what they look like
 TASK DESCRIPTION: We had to describe each character what they look like and also their personality. When we finished we had to edit it so we knew it was perfect well it really didn't have to be perfect but we just wanted it to be good for our level for reading and writing.

Compare and Contrast

Walt: understand perceptions
 Task Description: We had to watch this Shrek Disney movie then we had to read the instructions and do the compare contrast, and write down what is similar between dragons and princess and also do what they both do in life.

Monday, 23 May 2016

Decimal problems

Walt: solve problems using decimals.
  Task Description:I had to Do the family facts in a sensible way because the way you do family facts is supposed to be in a sensible way.

Family facts

Walt: solve problems using decimals.
 Task Description: I had to Do the family facts in a sensible way because the way you do family facts is supposed to be in a sensible way.

Comic writing template

Walt: use onomatopoeia in our writing.
 Task Description: I had to do the first slide then do the second and all the way to the last slide. On those 4 slides I had to do speech bubbles,thought bubbles and onomatopoeia. After that,I had to watch a video about Green Arrow and Black canary. Then I had to retell the video in my presentation

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Maths High problems solve

Walt: identify and solve fraction problems.
 Task Description: I had to answer my maths questions. Then I had to take a picture of my work. then had to write down how I explained it.

Advice blog

Walt: understand and use new vocabualry Task Description: I had to read the instructions then I had to answer the questions from the guy that has been asking me the questions.

Tuesday, 17 May 2016


Walt: understand and use new vocabualry Task Description: We had to the class site and read a book called blue roses. Then we had to read another book about the illustrator. After that we had to make a copy of a vocab doc.

Monday, 16 May 2016

Fire crusher

Walt: use images to help tell a story.

Task Description: We had to make our own superhero and even name it by our own self. then we had to dress it up on a site which would make it look like a actual superhero.

Commander defender

Walt: use images to help tell a story.

Task Description: We had to make our own superhero and even name it by our own self. then we had to dress it up on a site which would make it look like a actual superhero.

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Advice blog

Walt: understand multiple perspectives and viewpoints.

Task Description: we ahd to read a journal and do an advice blog. 

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Problem Solving Practice Term 2 Wk2

Walt: identify and solve fraction problems.

DC superhero

Walt: use similes and metaphors in our writing.

His hair was as blonde as a golden brick, and had brown bits compared to it. His armour is an impenetrable tank, yet invisible to the human eye. He is as strong as a uranium, and as strong as a comet. He has laser eyes that is red as blood.  

Task Description: we had to describe our hero and make a writing about it. Then we went on a website ad had dress her/him up and copy the writing.

Monday, 9 May 2016

Family facts

Walt: identify and solve fraction problems.
 Task Description: I have been doing this for 2 terms. It has been getting a little bit useful but I can do this for another year or term.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

May the 4th be with you

Image attribution

Happy star wars day!!!

My own comic

Task description: We had to retell a comic from our school journal. Our book was about a super thinking that their were bullying but their wasn't because the kids were just swapping lunches. 

Immersion assembly

Walt: recount an event.
Have you ever studied comic books in school? This term team 4 are learning about comic books, and comic art. Keep on reading to find out more.

Our school theme is as i see it, and it is all about art. Team one’s topic is about drawing their favourite things. Other teams are doing seasons, architecture and waka racing. I am really looking forward to seeing other people’s art.

Team’s 4 topic this term is about comic books, and about sequential art which mean telling stories with art. Back in the days cavemen would draw things to tell each other what they are trying to say so that is an example about team’s 4 topic. Part of how we will explore this topic this term is going to be through creating our own comic books.

I hope we really get to make our own comic books, because I think that we are going to make amazing animations that show what comic books have. The sequential art is what I am looking forward to because I wonder what it would look like when I actually get to do it. This is actually better than what I thought it was gonna be like.

I am not sure about this term because I don’t really read comic books so cross fingers, toes and eyes if you can to see if it is gonna be a good term. I am really looking forward to telling stories with art but I don’t know about the comic books.

Task Description: We had to do 4 paragraphs and an introduction we had to talk about our favourite part, and what we are looking forward to this term. So we do hope that we have a great a time.

Monday, 2 May 2016

Problem Solving Practice Term 2 Wk1

Walt: identify and solve fraction problems. Task Description: We just started learning about this and already know how to do it.

Family of facts 3

Walt: identify and solve fraction problems. We have been doing family facts for 2 terms and been having a little bit of trouble but we still do it because we need to improve.